Alpine Springs Community Park
NOTICE: The Park is closed for the season.
If you live in Alpine Meadows
Click here to order your 2024 ASCWD Resident Park Pass.
If you DO NOT live in Alpine Meadows
Click here to order your 2024 ASCWD Non-Resident Season Pass.
Alpine Springs Community Park Policy
Group Reservation Questions?
Please call (530)583-2342 ext 3 Monday - Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- The park shall be restricted to Alpine Meadows residents and members of the general public who held an active season pass the preceding year on a pay to use basis. The District General Manager has the discretion to make an exception to the above limitation on a case-by-case basis for Alpine Meadows non-residents that can show previous park support in the form of previous season passes.
- No exclusive use of the park
- Park is open during daylight hours
- All users shall adhere to park rules
- Use of the park is at the user’s own risk. Each park user, individual, family, group, or organization, is required to sign a waiver and release form for all claims for damages, death, personal injury, or property damages against ASCWD.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 dB metered at the front gate shall be allowed.

Group Use Policy-
- Reservations are required for group use and can only be made by a pass holder.
- No more than two groups of 25 or fewer persons or one group of 26 or more persons shall be scheduled during any one day.
- A damage deposit will be required and shall be used to reimburse the District for the following work tasks, if required:
- Clean up and disposal of trash
- BBQ cleaning or repair
- Amenity repairs including, but not limited to, tables, volleyball facility, bocce ball court, grass, walkways, fencing, bathroom facilities, etc
- Unused monies from the damage deposit will be refunded.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 dB metered at the front gate shall be allowed.
- If a reservation is cancelled less than seven days before the event, 10% of the damage deposit will be forfeited.
Large Groups Use Policy (76-100 ppl)-
- Prior to June 15 and after August 1, one Large Group may be scheduled per weekend. (Saturdays or Sundays) after 3 pm.
- From June 15 to August 1, no Large Groups will be allowed to use the Park on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays).
- Large Groups may be scheduled Monday through Friday after 3:00 p.m.
- No Large Group shall be allowed to use the Park during the three-day weekends of Memorial Day, Labor Day or 4th of July.
- The District General Manger has the discretion to make exceptions to the above limitations on a case-by-case basis for Alpine Meadows Property owners groups or associations.
- No music or amplifiers louder than 60 Db metered at the front gate shall be allowed.
- Music or amplifiers must be set up on lower lawn in the vicinity of the Bocce Ball Court.
- See the annual Fee Schedule for charges.
- In addition, a damage deposit shall be required and shall be used to reimburse the District for the following work tasks, if required:
- Clean up and disposal of trash
- BBQ cleaning or repair
- Amenity repair including but not limited to tables, volleyball facility, bocce ball court, grass, walkways, fencing, bathroom facilities, etc
- Unused monies from the damage deposit will be refunded.
- If a reservation is cancelled less than seven days before the event, 10% of the damage deposit will be forfeited.
- Single User Day Pass (only available to Alpine property owners) - $20
- Family Day Pass (only available to Alpine property owners) - $40
- Daily Guest Fee (Guests who are NOT staying at the home of the pass holder when accompanied by the pass holder) - $5.00 per child - $10 per adult Day Pass
- Alpine Resident Family Season Pass (Property Owners and Long-term Renters) - $200
- Non-Resident Family Season Pass (Nonresident Passes restricted to those that held a season pass the previous year) - $300
- No Day passes available
- No week passes available

Reserved Group Use Fees-
- 1 to 10 people: $50
- 11 to 25 people: $75
- 26 to 50 people: $100
- 51 to 75 people: $200
- 76 to 100 people: $400
Facilities available for group use include existing facilities, BBQ’s ($10 each), and picnic tables.
For groups of 1-50 persons a $250 refundable deposit is required
For groups of 51-100 persons a $500 refundable damage deposit is required